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Wednesday, June 30, 2004 @ 7:21 PM :D

BOOOO!!!more crap coming up!

I'm so afraid that my feelings would show
Knowing all girls avoid me once they know
Not only might I lose our friendship
I'm scared of losing you,not mine to keep
Infatuation about you at first
Now I feel like I am about to burst
Wished we could stick together as like glue
Tell me you wanna,just send me a clue

Seeing you in school is such a blessing
Cause without you I know what I'm missing
The sight of you lightens my day truely
How can I tell you without losing you?
My best chance would be if you like me too

I am so engulfed in this crimson love
Shall we sit hugging dearly in a cove
Watching the sunrise ever so orange
Rising in the horizon in the range
With the sea right in front of us sparkling
It's splendous glamour just for us to see
All this if you're willing to be with me


Tuesday, June 29, 2004 @ 8:48 PM :D

hmmm, composed this crap,fiction load of rubbish.

Looking into the sky so blue
I sure wish i am with you
Being on Cloud Nine's "nemesis"
I'm sure i don't long for your kiss
However,What i am sure about
Is that i'm serious about you
Your heart is still with him i know
Guess i wish my feelings would show

Looking into the sky so grey
Why must it turn out in this way
Dreaming of you everyday
Definitely there is no way
We could be always together
For what we all call forever

Touching the grass to feel the dew
Something i wish to do with you
Then i know that it is my cue
To finally say:"I love you"

However,please remember this
Whenever you are feeling blue
I will always be there for you
No matter,Wherever you are...

@_@writing stuff with no meaning,hahaha.11 days never blog, felt like creating some rubbish to rebreak the ice-.-"

anyway, here's a song:

More Than Words

Saying I love you
Is not the words I want to hear from you
It's not that I want you
Not to say, but if you only knew
How easy it would be to show me how you feel
More than words is all you have to do to make it real
Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me
'Cause I'd already know

What would you do if my heart was torn in two?
More than words to show you feel
That your love for me is real
What would you say if I took those words away?
Then you couldn't make things new
Just by saying I love you

More than words.....

Now I've tried to talk to you and make you understand
All you have to do is close your eyes
And just reach out your hands and touch me
Hold me close don't ever let me go
More than words is all I ever needed you to show
Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me
'Cause I'd already know

What would you do if my heart was torn in two?
More than words to show you feel
That your love for me is real
What would you say if I took those words away?
Then you couldn't make things new
Just by saying I love you

More than words.....

Saturday, June 19, 2004 @ 8:09 AM :D

Sorry, but had to edit this entry due to privacy stuff, so dun mind the holes in the story...

Due to some weirdo creating speech and drama, i shall remove the tag board.Hahaha gotta give him the probs for trying so desperately hard...oh wellz:P Anyways, he or she still thinks she's destroying my site, well u got it wrong:D

5 mins of my time had eventually created this, probably junk by myself of course, but at least something..

Dedicated to all whom i cherish:

Friends will start leaving one day
going their very own way
Be it time Be it distance
Which splits us from meeting up
I want to say at this instance
I cherish all the time now
No matter where you will be
Remember this friend you had,me

Composed by:
Failure of a poet:

I'm so sorry,I dun really have the time to actually write my blogs these days.Somewhat my entries are on alternate days-.-"

Anyways,I shall get back to yesterday.Hmm...the chemistry was ultimately boring,duhhh,titration again, with that purple dark solution, hate it>.< Was testing for this gas during QA...No wonder the glowing splint went out the second i put it in.The gas liberated was carbon dioxide hahaha...how dumb can i get keke...Well apparently liyang has decided to go and sit with jia ying,when he used to be my buddy, so he exchanged with nigel and i moved back to sit with yang kuan.How nice^-^...And later, shawn had a sort of accident with chemicals, glad she's alright.

After chemistry, went to ly's house with yk.We used the comp while ly was in school having his bio re-exam.I did hope for him to do well or at least pass...hmm, wonder if yk did the same.Yk has a hard time trying to find chances to use the comp to read my blog.So...at that time he went online to check it out.Well, not much to be commented verbally after reading my blogs i guess,but he did tag some^-^...Anyways, he read while i played darts with little spirit and later went out for some fresh air.

Liyang came back soon enough, with a colour on his face that sometimes is hard to tell what has happened.I guess it wasn't good and it wasn't-.- guess he was saying that it din go very well when he beated about the bush about questions in the paper...hehe

I came out of the room....BLAH!yk's bathing.............OMG!He bathed so long!!!:X Was getting a little bored, played the playstation.

I left a while later.My aunt had made reservation to the movie"chronicles of riddick"-.- bleahz, forget to tell mummie not to buy food,but was too late when my aunt called me to "get ready".However i was still at ly's house hehe...anyways, i left and went to the school bus stop so i could catch a direct bus to united square.Hairull called me, and i somewhat complained the sudden change of plans to him.Anyways, my aunt called me again"I am taking a cab back,dont want to lug around my labtop and i want to bring it back.Wait at home"...

I called hairull again and said"what the..." to him.My aunt is so indecisive, and now i had to walk home.what a waste of time waiting at the bus stop.Got home, changed out of my uniform and came to the comp haha,me and my comp=inseperable:Xjk hmm...what the, so rich ah!?taxi to united square, peeked at the spiderman show there, ate a pizza,take taxi again to wisma atria-.-She went there and spent a bomb at the "Sasa" shop er...diu".Later went to catch the movie.Well, about the movie, must say the action is a little odd here and there, but a very nice show overall, which would make me say"now that's something that you don't see very often".The odd blend of ancient egypt with the future haha:X

The bus trip home, never spoke a word.Dreaming of the trip on the next day to Escape theme park, couldn't wait to experience a nice time there, have so much fun there, to really spend some real good time with friends there.So thrilling, yet so beautiful...

Got home, at the computer again after bathing-.-...nothing to do, sit at comp do nothing till 3am then go sleep.Just too excited about the trip, smsed ly at 2 something, he snapped back in his sms:X haha...


Awoke at 7:28 somehow, 2 mins before my alarm clock-.-...hmm, spent the time waiting at my comp aimlessly, listening to music and later decided to write a 6 line poem, which became 8 lines as i found it incomplete.Left the house at 8:35....oops:X:P, supposed to reach j8 at 9am, but i missed the 410 at 9am...bleahz...reached j8 interchange mac on bradford's "instructions", and was suprised to see jialiang has come too,WEee^o^...

Jy and ly ate fillet o fish breakfast.Jialiang just drank a small cup of iced milo.Bradford, drinking coffee as usualy, i asked"Why macdonalds make the coffee so hot?"Obviously cause u wun have time for it to cool so u won't bother to get many refills hahahah...

Went to the mrt station to get a ride to pasir ris,quite a long ride, but still fun.Had bradford's 6600 to snap here and there:D

At pasir ris, we took the bus 354 i think.That jialiang, told us it was only 1 stop, when it was actually 2 stops.Liyang said,"call him come here,i want to whack him" in chinese.We walked a pretty long way there and finally i remember the Escape theme park sign....duh it was that time when i went to costa sands for a barbeque with my primary school friends.We went out thru a gate to the bicycle shop which was in front of the escape theme park.We found it too expensive, and decided to head back.But the stupid gate only allowed us to go out, but not back in, so we had to go one big round back into the chellet.

We were excited, but we noticed that there were people earlier than us, and it was already quite crowded when we reach there at around 11:30 to 12.We queued up, inspecting the entry fee sign,adult:$16.50, well, that was our price as we were above 12 haha.Then i heard something about 25% discount after hearing 2 guys shouting into the counter.Thought they got angry haha, but it was because of the discount for shouting.When it was our turn, i pulled ly into the queue to shout.We shouted into the counter.Found it fun, but i felt a sign of throat irritation almost immediately after the screaming session.

We went in,and obviously went for the ride that was the nearest to the entrance, The Flipper!ok i'll try my best to describe the rides, but it's not easy.The flipper was a ride with i think 11 carriages limited to 3 people per carriage arranged in a circle along a moveable/rotatable circular flooring.The circular flooring will raise to an angle about 75degrees and rotate and the same time.also, the carriages are free to rotate on their own.So the circular ground made the carriages revolve and the carriages also rotates on their own.

ly and me went into one carriage.Bradford and jialiang took seperate rides i think.It sure was fun...WEeeEe!!The ride make u feel like ur gonna rotate off the carriage hehe, but it's extremely safe.

We moved on to another ride, called "Revolution".This time, it was slightly different from flipper, and definitely much scarier looking!ok, what's connected to the ground, imagine it as ur elbow.The seats were arranged in pairs in a circle with little gaps.so for the seats, imagine ur hand having many many fingers with carriages that look like a chair for two which has the ability to full rotate and swing around either face first like a front flip when ur inside, or a backflip.Firstly, it moves as if u raise ur hand higher without moving ur elbow to about 75 to 80 degrees and then starts swinging u around like Mr.Bean and his sock+vegetable thingy.If u don't know what's that, well, imagine taking a rock maybe, put it into ur sock and spin it "around the world" in a sense,ie.the orbit of the moon around the earth in a super quick manner.Halfway in the air, depending on the weight and other factors, ur carraige will swing like a swing in a playground with very short chains, though it is actually attached right at the top and sometimes even flipping over...WEEE!!!dun worry though, this has an extremely safe safety system.

I sat by myself,bradford and jialiang together in one pair of carriage.During the ride, they make u feel like ur gonna crash into the ground in a circular movement hmm...ahahhhaha very fun indeed.

All through the whole way, we were arguing so called about who should go "solo" as most of the rides were for pairs.And when we went for "Rainbow", jialiang took solo.

"Rainbow" will be hard to explain.Imagine it like a clock, which seem to display6 o clock, meaning one hand is vertical and the other directly opposite.It has a pivot also like a clock, right in the middle.But this machine moves in such a way that it looks like a clock which always show, eg.3:45, 4:50,5:55,6:00,7:05 etc.And at one side of the hand, u nail a box on it, so it can rotate like a lamina.Inside the box there are seats with a seat belt in each, meant for pairs.Ok so it rotates around like a clock, and has a side-swinging seat.Not scary, but windy^-^.Jia liang who went solo was like sliding left and right in his chair due to the movement of the machine.

duh..........losing my memory of the order of the machines we have gone, but i try my best:D

We placed our bags+handphones in a locker.What the!$1 for something like that..bleahz...

Ok next we went to "Daytona Go Kart".WeeEee!!!We were thinking of beginner, but we went ahead with advanced anyway, since the word"daytona" hyped us up i guess:Xhehe...The queue was a little long when we went there, probably waited about 3 cycles before it was our turn.The cars there were like, um, karts lol.Hmm they were short, made to resemble a racing car like in F1 racing, only that it had a more"car" shape er..and it sure was short.Probably that low center of gravity thingy applies here.Ok, about the track, the starting area was to go straight, with a pillar in the middle of the road "tyre-reinforced" haha, that's how i would describe it.A little ways more, u will come to a 3 to 4 stories of circular road, seriously resembling the car parks with spiral roads to bring u to higher stories.Then comes a slope down which is super rocky terrain-like. And 2 slow signs with a sharp turn somewhat back to where u started, only that where u started was a place something like a pit stop, but this was a seperate road beside the starting point.3 laps, and a guy wearing yellow as if like a police warden with gloves will stop u and get u ready and organised to park for the next batch to go.

Oh dear!My car got stuck somehow in the spiral road.Is it me, is it my car or is it some safety function which does not allow u to move near the sides-.- I saw jy drive pass me diu, and she saw me desperately stepping on the gas pedal for my car to move.About 10 secs later, i decided to turn the wheel right, and it finally moved.Weee.Blah, i was pretty slow compared to the rest.

Ok here i start to forget what we did, in between we did resit some rides, but i think the next one we went to was the "Pirate".What some people might call it is "viking".A pendulum-like boat with a tyre below to accelarate the boat and stop it too. real fun, we managed to take the sides, one side could take 2, the other side could take 3, so u know the line up:D Fun too, feels like ur vertically facing down at the real ends, and ur body accelerates faster than ur stomach too@.@

We also went to some "kite flyer" thingy.Looks like a glider like batman uses, except more colourful and is attacked to rotate around with higher elevation.No "kick" at all, but very windy.Me was supposed to go solo, but jialiang pangseh bradford when he was lying down and could not see.The ride requires u to lie down chest flat on the machine, with some sort of thing that stuck out to hold ur body in place.Well i guess i may put it a bit disgusting, but u have to put ur groin on that thing to hold ur body in place.Being guys, i told jialiang, dun shy just put it directly on it, if any sudden jerk, something will spoil:X:X:X, well, that was what i meant, not what i exactly said.

There was also this children's roller coaster, but we went on it anyway.VERY FAST for something that small looking, and for children too@.@But...the design of the chair makes the bumps hurt ur back.A few of us got hurt somewhat.

We went for a rest in the orange julius cum burger king kiosk.Somewhat odd as the burger king did not sell any means, and did not even sell regular sized coke, had to buy a large...Jialiang and bradford went to get a ride on the Revolution again, ly bought his milo.When bradford and jialiang returned, jialiang got milo again haha, and bradford, same old coffee-.- Also, it was at this time when i noticed a lot of primary 4 to 6 kind of girls wearing um, very exposing.They wore tops that were um, i dunno what's the name, but i noticed quite a few wearing an apron-like top, with an exposed back and the front covering the top of the bra section down.doh....kids these days are really madness@.@ Not hinting anything, but they seriously have nothing to "show" diu-.-

We later went somewhere into the middle of Escape theme park with some kind of tent there with "payable"-.- games to play.There was something like pinball, without flippers and u have to catch the ball coming down with a fork or maybe a catcher, undescribable object-.- ly caught 3, doh.....i caught 0!!!!!!!I admit i suck at it.....maybe... or was it the large coca cola.Felt like i needed the toilet.We went on to play the Basketball game.DO NOT PLAY THIS, waste of money, 4 balls for a large whale stuff toy, but the balls are almost exactly the same size as the hoops, not to add they bounce off so easily ARRGGHH!!!I tried 2 times, all went straight for the hole, but bounced out.How did ly managed to throw one>.< On to another one, it was bottles that were green, some made a little blue somehow.6 rings to throw, 1 ring on the blue bottle gets u a Large prize!Sounded tasty, but super hard!!!

We went to queue up for the water bumper boat.WeeeEEE time to get wetty wet wet.We(brady,jl and me) wanted to all shoot ly:X:X:X, but then later ly asked me ally with him.HAHAHAH, having odd numbers is...odd since there will be an unfair"fight".Well, there was this kid, pro at cut queuing, yet act so innocent.He cut queue first time we thought he was going to his mum or something.Later, we saw him behind us,LOL!He watched us move, laugh when we looked at him, and so innocent like that.But u can tell he trying to sneak past us hahah.So i block the whole road.In the end, he did cut in front of us, but anyways, we went after him, so no difference actually.Went down, started shooting that kid,as he shot us earlier while we were queuing up.Later, someone shot me from behind!!!ARRGGH WHO IS IT!!!???turns around* -.- jy.......FIRE BACK!!!Then we all went into a free-for-all frenzy haha.

We came out pretty wet, i commented, "we are probably the wettest batch for today ":X:Xhaha

We went to queue up outside some kind of building-like thing.From the outside, it looked like a shop.HA!And when we went inside, there was one more queue-.- But the inside was so called "lighted" up with ultraviolet light, not like it's lighted.Jialiang was saying that this was the kind of roller coaster ride like mr bean, but er, dun remember mr bean taking a simulator roller coaster ride.At least inside was air con, anything white like cotton especially will become very luminous-like, and bradford's red comb became orange haha.When we went inside...OMG!It's a real roller coaster, except that it's super dark inside with carriages for 4 at a time, like a moving chair actually.The track did not look that scary and we went on it,Bradford and me in the front, jl at the back.Bradford took the left seat, sway:p. when we were brought higher up by some escalator thing, bradford dun wan to hold, then still"kiao ka" or crossed leg.I told him to hild, he dun wan, later the roller coaster turn turn turn so jerky he bang his leg, wahahha.The super scary part was the part when we go down a slope, and then go up an even higher slope, felt myself fly,OMG!!!

Whew, super scary, air con inside, but still sweating.Guess i was scared:X

I later bought a candy floss, so ex@.@,$3, but it was huge, about the size of 2 heads.I ate until i feel like spitting out sugar already, super super super sweet,bleahz...After a while, started to feel a stomach ache.

The rest of the day, i was mainly with jl and bradford.We sat the Pirate like 4 times in 20 mins, go on the ride, get off and queue again.

Then we did the same on Rainbow, going over and over.We also went for Go Kart again, twice actually.Go Kart this time, i took number 17, the only kart with complete red, and it had a sort of acceleration on it's own@.@, meaning it moved by itself, but very slow.I DUN REGRET TAKING IT!I went 3rd, they would let u go off one by one to avoid "traffic congestion" and in the rules,"overtake on the right", I Overtook bradford who went second and jl who went first!WEEE!!The second time we went i took the same car, this time i started second, jl first and bradford 3rd.I overtook jl in lap 1 during the slope.WEEeee, Fun fun fun.

We somehow caught the last ride to flipper, which was at 7pm.We observed and found that carraige 7 will reach the"highest" point, meaning the circular floor will stop spinning with 7 right at the top, before it rotates the other way.However, when we went up, it din seem to be at the top.Oh wellz..


Advice to Escape Theme Park:

Do not wear skirts to Escape(duh!!!)
If ur really that scared, bring someone who knows CPR:X
Wear something cooling
The wet and wild ride thingy, the back person will get wetter.:X

Walked out,jl, bradford and me took a taxi.I went to j8,where i finally got some dinner, well actually i took away macdonalds.Took 410, the bus was totally empty with only me at one point, felt like some kind of ghost bus@.@ but it soon became crowded again.I munched away at the back seat, couldn't wait as i was starving.

WOW!I reached home in about 1 hour.That was fast!

I wanna try that inverter the next time i go, anyone wanna go?:X:D:)

Elated Daniel OUT!!!

Thursday, June 17, 2004 @ 10:09 PM :D

poopie...feel like a slacker for not writing yesterday's blog.I had no time, counting in that i "had" to watch the world idol and also the CSI:miami...hehe.

Had a nice swim yesterday,in bishan condo with yk.We tried to call ly but he was so called caught up/busy with someone,so we swam ourselves.We however did not find it boring haha,well, to me, being with a fren will never be boring, no matter how boring it actually is.It's strange to find time passing by the second, and yet i am still enjoying my time with a good friend's company...it sure feels comfortable...

I guess time is my worst enemy and i never liked it.Everytime i think about this, it feels like i am waiting for the time my friends have to leave when actually, i wish never it would never happen.This sure is creepy to me and i guess that waiting around time would only bring sadness for me now...maybe that's not very optimistic of me,with so much that could happen tomorrow which we could never have guessed...so lovely,all just a fantasy......if we think about it without living it.Many things are certainly meant to be unable to avoid, however painful it gets, fate shows us no mercy when the time comes for the things we love to seemingly disappear forever.

It's like, the swim with yk is one of the great and beautiful memories i cherish inside me,and still lives within me.If i were to flashback all the memories and suddenly think of one of my good friends at the airport belt,leaving somewhat forever, i could almost feel myself crying already.However, remembering that they are still alive means that we can still meet each other somewhere in the world, where we can join up and live the happy times once again.That will be the ultimate joy,but sorrow comes before it...why!?why!?why!?It's like,we'll never meet again by chance, and yet fate has brought us together once.I'm not saying that we should never have met, but it's just a headache...

Well, not just distance,but time itself again is an enemy.When we graduated from secondary school this year, we're very very likely to seperate.We would probably go to different schools, but even if we do go to the same school, we might have the same course.We would rarely have the time to spend with each other.This, sometimes i think about as an example, would be brady.Tear me apart, whoever is able to.I feel like everything is gonna be taken away from me...nvm i shall drop the subject...

After the swim, i went home almost immediately, as my mum has probably bought food.I went home, and prila told me about blogskin.com, feel so stupid to not register for it right from the start where i could get a properly made skin for my blog.Got ly to call yk, and i showed him the file.We agreed on a date for him to visit my house inside for the first time for him,where he can actually help me to create my site.

TV was all that occupied the time after this and i later fell into dreamland again.

Well, today was such a booring day i must say, chemistry all the way.Nearly fell alsleep in class again.Is it just me, or is it Miss Khor acting like a sort of sleeping gas putting me to sleep, slowly but surely.Perhaps it's the dumb subject, chemical here and there...a real headache...Well,Miss khor changed the time for practical lesson to start at 1:30...ly,brady and me went to starbucks in a hurry at 1:10.Brady got an expresso doppio size, whatever that is,li-yang got that strawberry whatchamacallit drink and me, the same old Mocha frappacinno.We made bradford drink that expresso down fast as he was the only one who bought a drink that is unable to "carry out".We joked on our way back to school, li-yang said"if late 1 min, what's the difference with being late for 10 mins?" and he began walking slower.Then he turned around and said"kuai dian","faster!"(english) and began walking faster.I was puzzled as he seemed to have resigned to the fact that we were late,and reminded him of what he said.HAHAHA, he said, "1 min is 10 push ups, 10 mins is 100 push ups, that's the difference".i could not help but laugh slightly.This so called joke happened about 2 times.We'll, we made it back somewhat "undetected", as everyone was getting their apparatus and the class was like a fish market.Guess that was a close call haha.

Miss Khor ended late!!!>.< We were allowed to leave at 3:15, when it was supposed to be 3pm when she was to release us, not the release like the one in the "The Giver" book.:X anyway, yk later went to my house.We stopped by the 7-Eleven shop to get some "provisions", he got a large 1.5L of 7-UP Ice while i got some instant noodles.

BLAH!My uncle is back...that stupid fart machine, hate him.Never does anything much for the house or the family, and messing my comp when he uses it...wt...but at least he did boil water, could use it to "cook" my noodles=)...

Yk began work.The stupid dreamweaver i bought, such a waste of money...It did not work.ARRGGHH!!!Well, anyways me and yk managed to finish making the site, so no complains=)...He was so happy, so was i.i saw him off to the main road where he left on his own after telling me to go back home.On the way back, I began to realise how much his company has lightened my day up.He sure is a fun guy!

Borrrrrrrrrrrringggg!!Here i am at my comp again, staring blankly into the screen writing the blog.What i did before this was added stuff to the site.So proud of it somehow, and i'm sure yk is very proud of it too.

Looking up, actually staring at the ceiling, imagining about a stary night sky, thinking about what's in the universe, dreaming of something that could bring all my good friends together and have a great time.Well, THAT COULD HAPPEN ON SATURDAY!!!YAY!!!We're going to Escape Theme Park...Anyone wanna come?Tell me or Ly or bradford also.Well....kind sad that yk not going, wish he would come as well...anyways, that's his decision and only his to make so i won't kick up a fuss on that.

Dedication:chorus part only by the way, not the whole song

Will Young:Leave Right Now

I’m here, just like I said;
Though its breaking every rule I’ve ever made.
My racing heart is just the same;
Why make it strong to break it once again?

And I’d love to say I do,
Give everything to you.
But I can never now be true,
So I say:

Think I’d better leave right now,
Before I fall any deeper.
Think I’d better leave right now,
Getting weaker and weaker.
Somebody better show me how,
Before I fall any deeper.
Think I’d better leave right now.

I’m here, so please explain
Why you’re opening up a healing wound again.
I’m a little more careful, perhaps its shows,
But if I leave the highs at least I’m spared the lows.

And I would tremble in your arms.
What could be the harm
To feel my sprit calm;
So I say:

Think I’d better leave right now,
Before I fall any deeper.
Think I’d better leave right now,
Getting weaker and weaker.
Somebody better show me how,
Before I fall any deeper.
Think I’d better leave right now.

I wouldn’t know how to say;
How could it feel seeing you today?
I see you got your smile back,
Now you say you’re right on track;
But you may never know why,
Once bitten twice is shy.
If I’m proud perhaps I should explain -
I couldn’t bear to lose you again.

[Chorus x2]
Think I’d better leave right now,
Before I fall any deeper.
Think I’d better leave right now,
I’m feeling weaker and weaker.
Somebody better show me how,
Before I fall any deeper.
I Think I’d better leave right now.

BLAH!!!I DUN EVEN KNOW WHO I LIKE(girls i mean)..blah i'm going mad already-.- Confused Daniel,OUT!

Tuesday, June 15, 2004 @ 10:39 PM :D

This html thingy is getting on my nerves...The preview looked so nice, but this is what it has to turn out into;messed up all over the place>.<.....What a waste of effort me and yk put in since 1+ till later than the sun had set.It's just a great disappointed, as we thought we had progressed so much. However, i still must thank him so much for helping me out this far, as i know i could not have even done anything without his help.Arigato, thanks, xie xie ni.....

Every night, many thoughts just arrow through my head, as if they just shoot by and go right through.I guess this have to do with the endless thinking every night about problems and pure sorrow.Most of the time, i have this sickening recollection that i never wish to remember again, although i am writing it now...hehe, well anyways, it's about the fact that ly will be leaving singapore after the "o" levels.The thought of this sometimes make me miss him already, as he's such and funny and nice guy to be with.Well, i guess there will be people shedding tears for him on the day of his departure and i dare bet that none of those tears are crocodile's tears.I once told him,"i feel that staying in one place too long is not good, and staying in a place too short is no good too...".I guess that was just something i conjured up but i still feel that it makes sense.Staying in one place too long and then leaving will make the ones u love and love u be terribly upset once u leave whilst staying in a place too short, meaning that u keep hoping to different countries, u will never make much friends.I hate to say this, but i cant bear to let ly go seriously...not just me, but others too.Unfortunately, i guess he himself has no choice, as this trip to the States was planned quite long by his parents.This makes it seem even worse, with no glimpse of hope we can dream of happening.

Time is short...I wish to cherish all the time i have with all the people who i deem precious to me.I am not even sure if yk is gonna leave sg too, but even if he doesn't, i guess i won't get to meet him as much as i do now.Sometimes i feel that cherishing time is a torture, and hopefully i know u get what i mean.If i could turn back time, i would really cherish every moment even more with my heart and soul...Why must this happenT_T, i wish that the "o" level will never come...but i must be strong, there are some things that i have to let go...we all have to let go...No matter where they go,no matter where they are, no matter what they do, i am extremely positive that we all were once and will always be the best of friends.Distance and time shall not part us!!!

No matter what kind of thing seperates us, they always hurt terribly, be it the underworld and the living world, or just mere distance, it's always hard to look back and just say that one last goodbye, especially if the bonds we share hold a very special meaning...

hmm, although he cant be bothered to read my blogs as they are lengthy,i guess that ly will say"dun say this, i will get shy" or "bie ze yang ma,wo hui hai shiu de" if he actually reads this.Well, i dunno if i like people reading my blog anot, but i guess i would like to share what i have with all who wanna read.Thanks to yk for being a sort of a fan to my blogs, but you don't have to make my blog sound so great, they're just nothing,mere typing and thoughts coming together in one place...

I am sorry, the music carried me away.

stuff happened today:

I heard the alarm of my handphone echoing louder and louder into my head as i gained consciousness.I had apparently not had a good night's sleep, i lay down again......stood up again...OH DEAR!10:10 was the display on my clock!Extremely late for school i was, class was at 9:45...I managed to rush to school and reached the physics lab at 10:25.I guess not many noticed me coming in, anyway i felt a sort of embarassment.I missed the practical,GAH!But i guess i did learn the curve of best fit thingy..

Had a break after Mr Chan's lesson, i wonder how he does that backspin with his pen.did practically nothing, had a soya bean drink, and soon went back for bio lesson.Guilt overcame me as i remembered that i had not filed my sec 3 work, and the practicals section was required in today's lesson.Oh wellz...we did not really use it though.Sometimes i wonder if burning ethanol on the test-tube is appropriate behavior, guess i shall not say who.Oh and ya, si ying made that hair today which many people teased at.I felt like laughing, but i guess it's not good to.Anyways, she WAS pretty colourful today haha...:X

Going back from school, not many people to accompany, but at least there was wei long.He's such a funny nice guy, and i guess his new hairstyle is a hit among people, even me haha...we're all just not comfortable seeing him with a change in hairstyle from such a goody-two-shoes boy to a hippy...haha:X

I bought home a bottle of coca cola, i guess it's still in the fridge constantly being chilled, how i wish i can be chilled too, so i can so called stop time...but i guess that's just fantasies wishful of my own thinking...

I actually made a plan to have a swim with yang kuan, but on getting home, i could not stop adding features to my blog.I soon went over to his house,where we did so much work, only to find it unsuccessful,we sure were disappointed, and a little "pissed"...ahh why am i using such words-.-

Yk had shown me a site,the artist was just soooooooo wonderful!Visit this site,www.kagayastudio.com and u will know why.And dun forget to check out the zodiac signs section and find ur own sign:)

Right now, i can't really think properly, had some fast food and currently am resting, still griefing about time, and also my blog webpage haha...well i just hope i can solve it soon, with people's help of course yahh.I don't know anything about webpage...*blushes*, but i must be proud i designed my own neopets html last time hahaha:X...guess nothing good about boasting that hehe, well anyways i guess i shall put a stop to my writing now...

Daniel OUT!

Monday, June 14, 2004 @ 7:50 PM :D

Revealing more stuff today,i shall say that i am of a mixed blood.I feel very racially hated sometimes due to my name, and i feel it would be worse if people were to find out the types of blood i carry in mine.Well, anyway, my dad had british, portugese,italian and japanese blood.My mum is a pure chinese.So i actually carry 5 types of blood.Feel like some kind of multinational blood-in-a-body holder.Wonder if i am worth discriminating, maybe i am just paranoid, but anyways, peace to the world!haha just kidding...

Stuff about today:

What an odd day today was, had such a slight cold in the morning.I went to school punctually and found myself in the language room after a while.We sat and had the oral thingy class and after tat, i went out with 2 friends, i guess i should not name them.I wun say it was boring, but it was anyways i guess.Why i say that?

Well, i guess the boring part was that the two of them were"busy" and i was left somewhat alone, though i was free to speak up my mind if i had anything on mind, but i guess it was better to let them have the time to themselves.We met nigel and gang, except weilong, who went to cyber i guess, as i did not go personally to check.It was still early, and u can put it that i was so called thrilled when i saw the goikos shop, whatever u call it, open and i saw that gunbound prepaid card on sale poster pasted on the glass for display.well, i walked in and bought one--, and it costed 17bucks, but oh well, it was the kind of card where u have to open to see which design u have struck upon on.Was hoping for turtle or dragon, but i got an asate.But anyways, i am happy as i still got a card that still displays the cuteness of gunbound^-^...

Later, after two hours since we went to starbucks, we finally left after argueing that starbucks sold chicken rice, like duh(finally get where we were?).Well, we decided to go for lunch, which we took 1 hour to decide what to eat.However, the starbucks cold frappacinno drink had apparently "amplified" my cold i had since the start of the day.i began using lots of tissue, mostly "provided" by the "ger" wink*:X.Well, after they managed to decide to buy some japanese food, i had already lost my appetite, as the cold was more than just a cold, but it had included a constant flow with me having no control over my"nose" whatsoever...I decided to get a hot milo, well, i must admit it tasted pretty similar to drain water,Bleahz..


I went over to ly's house.I hung out in yk's room.We listened to Ai otsuka, or XiaoAi,who is a jap singer whom we think is pretty cute in her voice and also, we love her style of music.It was my cd actually, but i lent it to him...well, he returned it late, not like it was his fault, i just happened to not remember to take it.i had fun there, seriously, as being the only child and so on, i am pretty lonely and sad so called at home.That's why i normally get hairull to visit me but i guess i shud not do that all the time.I found out that yk has bought the japan cd and it had a song, true heart, my favorite jap song which came out a couple of years ago, sung by tackey and tsubasa(hatachi).He allowed me to watch the MTV of them, i was so delighted.


I went into liyang's room and played gunbound.I "cashed" in my prepaid card and got my "CASH".I played a couple of games and realised i got bored due to the "KS" here and there, that is kill steal.People argue over KS cause killing ppl in gunbound gets u money(gold).

I went over outside, felt that it was getting even more boring, with ly sleeping/studying bio,dunno how he does that though.But, i decided to go to yk's again.I fell half-asleep, catching forty winks before i went home for dinner.I brought home my CD, YAY!I miss her songs man....waited for the bus at the bus stop, thinking what dinner my mum would have bought.Got home....BURGER KING!I AM FAMISHED!!!Well, here i am typing my blog here,while having my dinner, talking to hairull on the phone, logged in on msn and well, typing this. I wonder if anything will happen later, cant wait for wednesday to know who won the world idol.none of them my personal favorite hehe, but i still think that some of them suk.i must say, i was stirred up in a bad way when fantasia, won the american idol.>.< No offence to fantasia lovers, but i think she sings like a duck....wonder why she won...well anyway, i still feel my blog is kinda short...hmm..i am currently reading something about love.well, i guess i shall share it...

Love feels the same as infatuation.people feel "out of love" once they lose the intensity they once had, eg. their heart used to dance when they were with their crush.So this marks the end of the infatuation period.However, this may not always be true, as the end of an infatuation, it may mark the beginning of love^^...what is love, real love,many ask...Real love, is the understanding and sharing with our loved ones as deeply as possible.Real love is the total acceptance of a being be it that he or she is flawed in many placed, including looks etc.NOBODY IS PERFECT, dun call urself/name urself "nobody", that's pure lame.It's the exact truth, no one is perfect.Real Love means letting go of all pretense,fantasies and expectations, no matter what, never look at them negatively, have expectations on them or also try never to get angry with them.And most importantly, ALL real love is based on mutual respect,admiration and true concern for each other's well being.Just remember, patience is the true key to true love...that's what i feel.

well, i guess i am weird at creating blogs, but i guess these infomation can help me, as well as any reader...well, i cannot remember everything, and i might stumble on my own thoughts and facts and understandings forged by myself one day when i decide to read my blog.

Music: M. Funemyr
Lyric: Goro Matsui
Arrangement: CHOKKAKU

I feel I do
Kono machi ni sakuhana
Inochi no nai kakera no yousa
I know I do
Keitai no memorii
Aitakunaru dareka ga inai

When did your heart stop loving me?
Kowaresou da yo
Iki wo shite kokoro ni furete hoshii noni
Why did my heart cry loving me?
Harisakesou ni
Ai ga naifu no you nan da
So hadaka no true heart

I feel I do
Koe wo wasureta boku
Kodoku ni tada kawareta torisa

When did your heart stop loving me
Kowaresou da yo
Meguri au subete kuru wa sete yuku
Why did my heart cry loving me?
Kizu wo nokoshite

So kawaita true heart
Itsu datte tooku bakari
Mukumori wo sagashiteru
Itsumo hitori
Ugokenaimama cry

When did your heart stop loving me? (loving me yeah)
Kowaresou da you (yeah yeah)
Iki wo shiteru kokoro ni furete hoshii noni (sore dake)
Why did my heart cry loving me?
Harisake sou ni
Ai ga naifu you nanda
So hadaka no true heart

Ohhh... wow...
My heart cry loving me

I feel I do
Boku wa koko ni iru yo

TRUE HEART (TACKEY & TSUBASA; international version)
Music: M. Funemyr
Lyrics: R. Colgate
Arrangement: CHOKKAKU

I guess I know
You've already decided to go
Out of my life once more
No turning back that's for sure

Before you do
Girl please promise to tell me the truth
And if this must be so
Darling I just have to know

*When did your heart stop loving me
Where did it all go wrong
How can it be we're suddenly weak
When we used to be so strong

**When did your eyes start wandering
How could those feelings die
I can't believe this wasn't to be
It's tearing me up inside

It seems so strange
How such precious emotions can change
All that we held so dear
Somehow became so unclear

Repeat *
Repeat **

I just can't see why the magic died
Or the reason love slipped through our hands
Help me to understand
I'm still trying to understand, oh...

Repeat *
Repeat **

Ohhh... wow...
Baby, don't go wrong...

I guess... I know...
You've already decided to go...

With love to all(seriously)
Daniel OUT!

Sunday, June 13, 2004 @ 10:56 PM :D

this stupid blog thingy, i wonder if i can turn back time to blog it at another date, it's kinda annoying...anyways...


well, let's just say that i am just an idiot who isn't very expressive in anything i do, be it concern i have for people.u know, this blog i create for the sake of making a blog, just to remember what i have thought of.perhaps people may understand me more by reading my blogs.Well, to start with as my first blog, i seriously feel that i should introduce myself, be it some kind of accident that someone just stumble into my site and happen to read my humble embarassing stuff.Well here it is:

Name:Webster Daniel Michael
D.O.B:12/20/88 19:15 hours
Zodiac sign:Sagittarius
fav colour:blue
Loves:stuff toys, my computer, and a good career in sight

screw u all who think stuff toys are "gay" for guys, u just dunno how to enjoy, those "manly" influence totally do not make u cute>.<

Well,i really do feel that my blogs are really gonna becomes novels, as i have them in sight to be lengthy, although i might cut them very short due to privacy and laziness.


well here goes, i am hated by the school so called, why, i have yet to find the answer.people are just influenced, a fren told me, about a book"bullshit makes the world go round" about influence making up the socialising stuff in the world.In my views, it really is bullshit.why?let's say there's this popular guy in the masses saying"i love soccer". everyone who wants to join his group will say "i love soccer" also.it's the way things are, people boot-lick or suk up to others so that they can join large groups and become so called popular and have many "frens".frens like these, like my mum says which i agree to a total extent, are one-come-ten-go, meaning that these frens will not help u when ur in serious trouble,in actual fact, they are models as fren, not what many people seek, but what they truely seek might be true friendship.
ON THE OTHER HAND, TRUE FRIENDSHIP IS WORTH ANYTHING.i mean this, and seriously feel blessed to have it.People influenced to have those kind of frens mentioned above are so called brainwashed.From the way they act, they do not have opinions of their own anymore, if not, they keep it to themselves.C'mon, the world won't advance like this...

Well, if u ask me why i wrote the above,then it would be a no brainer question, like DUH!!

well, time to move on...

I was borned in Singapore, am a Singaporean, with both parents being Singaporeans too,in spite of me having such an odd name.
well, before i continue, i hope u will not discriminate me further with the next infomation i am gonna include specially, cause i feel that i should not be embarassed about it.
ok here goes,i lived in Simei until i was 4, when my parents got divorced.Yep, who would have guessed that i come from a broken family.about the divorce, my dad had apparently cheated on my mother and thus the decision.My mum won the custody of me, and we together moved to my in-laws house.In that house then, there was my grandpa in law, grandma in law, uncle in law, aunt in law.In kindergarden, i once got kicked by some kid who did not like my name,causing me to vomit.On to primary school, i feel blessed as i made many true friends there, and we still contact each other through msn.
well before i talk more, i shall explain about my grandparents.my grandpa, probably the person i was closest to, even closer to him than my mum or anyone else.He helped me with everything,well, i was small so u know what he did for me.Also, he was so close to me that he was the one who brought me out most of the time, including to school everyday and so on.unfortunately, he passed away when i was in sec 1, during may, just when the exams was around the corner.It was that day,he started choking blood, but i went to school.I remember calling at 10am in school during recess back home to ask, but apparently he had left the world already.I felt my world shrink to the size of an atom, and i sank into a world of darkness.I was so sad about what has happened to him, and also the fact that i wasn't around when he departed.I blamed myself for this.i fell into oblivion that day and went home only to find myself unable to cry due to a pain inhurled into the very depth of my soul.
My grandma, came into the picture after my grandpa left.She became the next closest person to me and took care of me, taking the place of my grandpa.well, seriously i think i prefered my grandpa, but i still love them both equally.unfortunately, my grandma passed away when i was in sec 3, that is last year.She has been sick for a long time, but at that time, she had gone into the terminal stage of cancer.We were elated when we saw her healthier during chinese new year, but she relapsed soon enough and passed away.I remember the tense situation late at night around 1am, we all waited by her side.I went to sleep, and my mother woke me up all of a sudden.She told me,"Ah ma isn't going to make it already, say goodbye to her".At that time, i said omg in my heart.I heard a sort of heavy breathing, the sort u would get if u had a super hard glue covering almost totally of ur windpipe.wheeze wheeze, i felt the pain and drowning feeling once again like i did with my grandpa.soon after, she stopped breathing.My uncle said she still had a pulse, but it soon faded.It was all over.
Now however,my aunt takes the place of both grandpa and grandma,however, it happens only on saturdays which she brings me out and pamper me.i guess at this point u are wondering why i am not very close with my mum, well, i seriously cant stand her nagging, and she scolds me for no reason at times.
And that's the sort of life i lead......not to add me being mentally tortured in school, my life is pure pain and agony.

sadly,this is not a chunk of words to gain sympathy, but more of something for people WHO BOTHER TO READ.....
well, Daniel OUT!

Super duper friendly me. 8D

*Daniel Webster*

To advance further musically,vocally
To be able to touch people's hearts through music
A good acoustic guitar
A good lead guitar and amp
Be someone of invisibly huge stature
To be as rich as possible
The means to be able to do whatever I want ;)
To be a person who imparts skills and wisdom to others
To be a giver to the needy

Catch up with ya.

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