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Monday, August 30, 2004 @ 7:10 PM :D

My my my my my...what on earth has happened.About 8 days ago, was my previous blog.And in this short period of time,so much has happened.A sort of mental countdown kinda went through my head everyday, for the horrific day of 30 august was approaching, the day of the horrendous Social studies.
To go along with the horrific wait, there were those practicals of the 3 sciences we have.I very much screwed them up, especially physics, where i did a fatal mistake in the question on light, A SUPER STUPID MISTAKE, that i feel so stupid that i actually made it.Halfway i was asking myself if i am doing something wrong, but it somehow just passed my mind in a flash.I had measured the height of the object FROM THE TABLE.Oh screw!die die die.I walked out of the physics lab, with the word "shit" passing through my mind.In the Kaino Lab,I couldn't help but want to cry.Imagine even if i got to pass the physics practical which is highly unlikely, i would need 55/60*120 in the second paper, and this makes it 110/120 to get an A1 for physics.OMG!!!I am doomed this time.Luckily, i didn't exactly need physics for the sight of my ambition in the distant time which is about to unfold soon enough.
CME exam...crap, who gives a damn.but it was the day after the CME lesson that the chemistry practical has actually arrived...and i screwed up.The gas could not be identified by a loser like me.Stupid burst of hydrogen that was so unpredictably quick in escaping before u can even stuff that damn lighted splint in the test tube.It was after the test that i realised that since we know that one of the substance was a metal, wouldn't that mean that metal+ acid= salt+hydrogen?...crap, why didn't i think of it sooner.Such a waste...how much crappier can i get?
And came the moment of truth, the biology practical.The one i dread so much.I panicked on the drawing the day before it was held.And what came out?CARROT AND ONION!??ARRGHH, never learnt any of that.And my aunt told me that carrot had rings of flesh inside, meaning i drew wrongly!!!And similarities i never wrote any, not knowing what is going on.Difference wrote rubbish which are highly incorrect.Not to add that i did not make a 0.2 concentration of solution to get a negative value.ARRGH!!!
I am so dead.What has happened?I just messed up all my practicals, with dumb mistakes.

And today, the horrific day, the revolutionary day of madness has arrived.Took the SS exam in the hall.The night before, panicked when i finally knew what was a decontextualised question at about 12 in the night.What the!??And never did i expect something on palestinians and the Israelis.I think i messed up the source based without supporting properly of what i mostly said.And i took the switzerland question, with a long of junk writing ending up spammed on that piece of"official" writing paper eligible for examinations.

And something to Yk, my deepest sentiments to your mishap on the SS paper.It has always been a "policy" of mine to look at the time correctly.Next time, be sure to know how long the paper is and when it will end, so you will never mess up again like you did today.I wish you the best of luck in the paper, and you too ly, for whom i pray that you will be able to get out of that pessimistic F9 grade which u always strongly claim that u will stick with forever.

I never expected such a week, and of course such a day to start the week.I flipped the table in class...i was outta my mind...did i alarm people?did i make people think i am mad?i hope not, i just lost my mind, thinking of the failure of English which is evident this saturday.I never am able to make good results in English, and people have the cheek to say that i am good in it.Nah, bias is such a "bliss", it can go to hell.I cant be bothered anymore.I just want a carefree life, my life, for it's my life.

Sunday, August 22, 2004 @ 3:24 PM :D


Long time since i wrote my blog.Well, for yesterday, happy birthday to li-yang.I had actually forgotten about your birthday yesterday.But when i lost the feeling of being invited due to some people who asked me to go watch a movie but never bought my tickets, ur sms and bradford's sms just pissed me off even further...as both no sincerity after leaving me behind and away from the movie.At least call right?Was so angry, slept till 4pm...irritated...Then i decided to go to Thomson plaza to get some stuff, met ly there who thought i went there to play cyber perhaps, but nah, play with those people who did not inform me properly about the movie?NAH!

Went on to Ly house for the party, ming nan, jy was there too.His mother and the housekeeper had cooked a sumptious dinner with somewhat exotic food that i rarely saw as a cousine.Surely it did look very scary in a sense, but i did try some of them, like the toufu(brain) soup, tasted so herbal and...ginseng-.-...The liver of something i not sure.But the pork soup was GreAT!Added the rice in it, was one dish that i have not tasted for a very very long time.Perhaps something i never got to eat before, but it somehow seemed a bit familiar...

Had a cream cake with fruits for the birthday cake.Each candle had already dripped a drop of wax on the top of the cake, giving it an odd shade of pink.Yk got the camera, we sang the birthday song, twice, and ly blew the 8 candles litted atop the cake.We were each given a slice, quite a big slice actually.Anyway, we later had crunch vanilla ice cream nuggets for um..desert?Ly sent jy home and we actually had a "feast" with the nuggets.And like ly mum said, leave 2, and we really left 2, out of the total 40 nuggets.:X

sure was fun, esp. getting to know that ly's mother is the type who loves to have her cooking praised.

However, earlier that day, i actually didn't want to go for the party.Why?well, why must my birthday fall on late december?I just hate that.No one from outside ever sang me a birthday song.No one from outside ever gave me a present on the actual day.No one from outside ever gave me the feeling that my birthday was a special day. And the thought that the two friends of mine will not be around on my birthday this year, i really felt the reluctance to actually go to his birthday.perhaps jealously, or actually, it definitely is jealousy.But i shall not say further as this sometimes makes me want to cry...

Daniel Out

Super duper friendly me. 8D

*Daniel Webster*

To advance further musically,vocally
To be able to touch people's hearts through music
A good acoustic guitar
A good lead guitar and amp
Be someone of invisibly huge stature
To be as rich as possible
The means to be able to do whatever I want ;)
To be a person who imparts skills and wisdom to others
To be a giver to the needy

Catch up with ya.

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