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Tuesday, July 31, 2007 @ 1:59 AM :D

I am sooooooooo in love with the movie SECRET! Directed by Jay chou! AKA "不能说的秘密"...AND THE SONG!=D

The show is really great, "We" really enjoyed it. I really enjoyed the whole evening=)..Hope there'll be a next time=D..

The show is cute,sweet,touching,funny,anticipation-arousing, thrilling, fantasy-like, romantic, totally unexpected, very original, and definitely a movie you will always remember!

So glad i got the tickets to watch the preview=)..Felt like one of the best evening I ever had

Talked a bit about my dreams of being a performer and artist...i'm not very sure but I think Peter laoshi sees my desire..my passion..That's why he's always disappointed when I get uneasy on stage. I have to try very hard..It's something I really want, I dream of. I'm actually born a rather shy person, gotta leap over that barrier.

I hope the next time we meet will be soon. I miss that smile on your face already.

Sorry to make you go back so late! Dun worry about me not having a train back or smth...I made it back home somehow or another=P. Yup, like I said, I asked you out, So I have the responsibility to make sure you get home safely. If something happened to you, I could never forgive myself, let alone answer to your parents=). Responsibility is very important in my morals=).

And yes, the fact that i met you, makes me happy. And like i said, this "secret"..is worth a thousand words ;)..


Wednesday, July 18, 2007 @ 12:29 PM :D

oh man...napfa later...si liao=/..haha

meeting theo! so long never meet up le=D

Now having sore eye, left one..wonder what went in-.-"

lesson learnt this morning; sneezing makes your aiming go bad, ESPECIALLY WHEN PEEING! XD =X

Sunday, July 15, 2007 @ 9:26 PM :D

So have you ever wondered how clean are you? Or desire to make yourself even cleaner than you are?

There are like some places on your body that you would hardly clean!

like..so...where are they?

One of the most..visible, yet neglected place that most people dun clean, is the..BELLY BUTTON! Dig ur finger into ur belly button and take a whiff! oh no..heh=X

So be sure next time you are having your shower, dun overlook that spot!

Now, we all have annoying places where we don't really clean, and that includes the ear!Water gets in, takes like forever to evaporate. The area around the ear, within the contours inside is hardly cleaned by most!

And I'll add just one more place. How many of you(readers)know that your tongue is a bacteria spongue, raise your hand.Ok i wouldn't be able to see it, but, you know yourself=D.

Yes! Why brush your teeth, when your tongue is holding like 70% of the bacteria in your mouth! I am not telling you to NOT brush your teeth, but just that, If u wanna rid bad breadth, there's no point in brushing your teeth if you don't clean your tongue! I can tell u a way to know how bad ur mouth smell thanks to your tongue, but i'll spare you the fainting=/

Yes, All you french kissers, or those who converse a lot..or closely to people face to face...CLEAN YOUR TONGUE! it's like, just get a scraper. Nowadays they sell it in cool colours and plastic form, really good=D. Older ones are an arc shape with rubber on both ends for grip. BOth are great to use and use them daily would ensure you much nicer smelling breaths! skip those breath sprays, and even mouth wash dun clean your tongue thoroughly=P.

And final note to all readers, THIS IS NOT A COLGATE ADVERTISEMENT=/ LOL


Friday, July 13, 2007 @ 9:30 PM :D

Hai nothing much to blog...not really the kinda person who writes what i do..

Hmm..had a haircut on tuesday..Practically didnt shorten my hair at all=P

Been slacking at home since tuesday.Tuesday was like...a real piss off, cause of a certain someone >.<..

Thanks brad for accompanying me so many days this week=D

And jessie too!

though 2 hours of staring at nothing isn't fun at all...damn..

i wanna be a cch, like no one ever was,
to catch fish is my real task
to fry them is my cause

pokehong,gotta fry them all
our sauces so true
i would never use fake sauces!
Pokehong, ohhhh, you're my best bet
extracting your flavour~



Monday, July 02, 2007 @ 3:26 AM :D

Rough weekend, in a fun way=)

Sat went to music class as usual...argh! late again!Am I? Lol. Timewise, late again, first one there, still considered late? wakakak

Anyway had Lynn lao shi for lesson again!=D Had one to one with her for a short while and then Allan came in. Did lip thrills again and then huili and pearlene came. Was like woah..how long never see them le. Miss them wor. ahaa..Anyway huili and pearlene jia you for thrilling ur lips..whatever you call that!=D

Class ended after we sang Dang ni gu dan ni hui xiang qi shui..haha..

Hanged around for a while and then infiltrated Lynn's next class..Ahaha..Went in to hear Johnny and Jacinth sing haha, about half the class not there, no Teri and Eileen.

Was always curious how Johnny sang, cause he has a rather unique appearance and looked around 40-50 years old. Being a new comer he was rather alright, and had a mysterious sincerity to his singing. Jacinth was soft and paiseh=/

Anyway, Johnny shared about his divorce with his wife and him still being her best friend. We ( me and Jacinth) didnt really know what to feel i guess. Anyway, he also mentioned he heard me sing an jing from outside my class before. He said i sounded nice and asked me take part in some competition. This made me really surprised and i gave him a reply saying " wo mei you ben shi" -.-..It was then that i asked both for their names..lol

However, it made me think. Anyway i sang for a hella long time and analysed and really put my efforts into making myself sing better. I want to do the best I can.

Samuel called me..And i picked up and continued " ni yao wo shuo duo nan kan!" "yes hello", " wo gen ben bu xiang fen kai!" "yes i am in music school now"..

LOL..Super funny..sing and talk at same time.

Finally left music school around 8:45pm...that means...i was there since 2:15pm..6.5hours in music school...shiok ar-.-.

Went to Paya Lebar meet CG, bought mac for dinner, nuggets with no sauce-.-..Then hong was like, hey sam, go to NTUC buy drink. You go NTUC first i go toilet. Then sam and me nth to say. hAha..

hong is hong man..=/

And sunday, went church, after meeting brad and sam late, cause my alarm clock a.k.a. HP was under my bed.

Ate at british take away..And the guy asked for a name from samuel and me for our order. And samuel was thinking of a name when i...."Choon hong!". The guy was like.."Choon hong?alright."

we laughed like hell man. Brad came over to order the same thing. And he went"Wai Peng". Oh my goodness. the funniest part was when we collect food, the guy called out choonhong and waipeng. oH my GoD that was damn damned funny.

Anyway as we all know, hong is a born sway kia. Using his parents name somehow made our order to take extremely long to come. Moral of the story, Do not order under choonhong and waipeng=/. ROFL.

And I went, hey, next time ask jessie come, ask her say "Sally". And i continued,"then who be jenson-.-" =/

BG info (sally=cousin, jenson=brother)

Got root beer from 7 eleven for drinks and ate away..YUM.

Service was great, impacted me in some way.

Went home after service and talked to Lynn laoshi online. And partly made me want to blog this entry.

she told me, she asked her class why they joined singing, out of passion or leisure? And Johnny gave an answer that wasn't totally expected. He said" I have cancer for 6 years, I wanna do what I can now". When I heard this, I was really saddened.

He's learning singing now at such an age. And his cause, was to do what he can before he goes. It was something that really hits people in their hearts. And he is still happy and comfortable about telling people his plight.

This made me think, just before i wrote this entry. He told me i sounded nice, and i should take part in some competition. Did he indirectly mean, he saw that I had a dream, and hoped that I will take that dream to reality, and make myself proud, as well as him, in place for him as his time is really limited already. It broke my heart thinking about this.

Despite his really some old ah beng look, he really had a heartful personality, which can be realised just by talking to him, and how he handshoke me.

It made me think further. I sounded nice to him, and wanted me to take my dream further. He had FAITH IN ME. A STRANGER! WHO JUST SAT OUTSIDE A DOOR, HEARD ME AND THAT'S ALL HE NEEDED TO HAVE THAT FAITH IN ME. what about all my friends, and everyone who had faith in me. If a stranger had faith in me singing, then how much would my friend's faiths weigh? even more! I just felt..useless for not being able to pick up, not being able to trust myself, believe in myself. Even though so many people believe in me, even a stranger. I just dun understand why i cant do so yet. To buck up, to do well, and to sing well. to have that confidence. I am really blessed to have people believing in me.

Another thought occured to me..He talked about his wife, ex wife. He gave a smile of paiseh, when he said he gonna pei her later after his class, which made me wonder if i should feel touched or sad. He's learning singing...now..Why? Is he gonna sing a farewell song to her, who probably is still his special someone. like some final song before he goes, so that he'll leave happy knowing he did something he wanted to do, to train and sing a good song to her, with whatever time he has left..

It's so saddening..everything..

I told Lynn lao shi, "hey, i dun think i have to ask and i already know the answer. I should start believing in myself, even after so many people believeing in me, even Johnny................."

If I ever make it successful, as a singer, one of the person on my list of gratitude...


Thank you for believing in me and making me realise so many things.

I will take things to a new level as far as what i love to do goes...

Working really hard,


Super duper friendly me. 8D

*Daniel Webster*

To advance further musically,vocally
To be able to touch people's hearts through music
A good acoustic guitar
A good lead guitar and amp
Be someone of invisibly huge stature
To be as rich as possible
The means to be able to do whatever I want ;)
To be a person who imparts skills and wisdom to others
To be a giver to the needy

Catch up with ya.

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