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Thursday, January 31, 2008 @ 9:15 PM :D

I feel like I am far from appreciated. I am working really hard, trying to do better always. But..

First thing which is non-related, I quarreled with someone today. Some stupid communication problem, started with my slippery tongue. Just don't know how to feel after the incident cause it was like, I don't know if it was entirely my fault. At least don't angry for so long arh..all these just make me feel like tearing, for such a thing to happen. Crying over spilt milk perhaps?

Ran into the two of em while walking from school to a bus stop in amk. Somehow I didn't really know how to react.

Met the "blind guy" again. Helped him up his bus 86. And he thought I was from Secondary school.heh. And the god-damned 169 took like 35mins to come. Screw 6:30-7:00pm rush hour when people slow down the bus service.

Got home excited to practice. After that had a friend call me and I played the guitar and sang some. My mum came in, and called what I play "Kao Bei".

Got rather pissed off and so on, had a short quarrel. Lost the mood to play anything. Played 2 choruses, 1 full song. One I was trying to teach, two of my favorites. The person of the phone doesn't even know which song I was playing. I hung up with disappointment and agony.

First my mum said what I played is Kao Bei, and next a frequent listener of what I play doesn't know what I am playing.

Am I playing for naught? Am I even being appreciated, that I am trying my best to do my best musically? Am I wasting my time, excitedly trying to play for people over the phone cause I simply love to?

I just feel..somehow lost. Fading away. Friends, so called, or maybe friends, are fading away, drawing the curtains of the shadows. Hmm..Did I really have much real friends to begin with?

I really wonder..

My heart feels heavy.

Is my determination to success faltering?

Is all I have dreamed of gonna stay that way, being a dream?

Is there ever a time when I can really succeed and just do what I love to do?

What's in store for me...?

Monday, January 28, 2008 @ 9:28 PM :D

Went for a lecture early today for a business module.Had some interesting stuff.

Failure is the path to success. No pain no gain. It's all about whether you can fail and still get up and continue fighting on. It's only when you fail that you learn the biggest lessons you will ever learn. If you fail and just give up, it shows that you are weak in the spirit.

So like the external lecturer talked about, RJC students. He mentioned that some of them can get really really proud, looking down on the rest. They've had success after success. His question was, "Can they get up after a failure? I don't think so".

Many of us have gone through "hell", so in a positive way, we have a sort of edge over them.

And think of working hard for something you want this way. If the road was paved for you so you could easily reach that goal, then what's so special about you as anyone can do it? If everyone reaches their goal so easily, the goal won't be a goal anymore cause the rewards has to be split for everyone, just like lottery.

Ever heard the chinese idiom, "shou zhu dai tu". Don't wait for that reward/chance to come to you, work and you'll get there someday.

Be yourself, but also be somebody. To do that, sweat it, not slack it.

Saturday, January 26, 2008 @ 11:53 PM :D

Who ever heard of tug-o-war?

What's the essence of winning in such a game? It's coordination/communication and team spirit! Imagine, one person at the back started saying " die la,they so muscular". His weakened spirit will also result in weaker strength. Not to mention he also became a wet blanket to everyone and makes the whole team lose spirit.

When he first became a pessimist, he already resigned himself to loss. This already compromises the whole team of one person worth of strength. People who admit defeat have already lost, whether they have or have not lost in terms of status.

So are you a winner? Do you have the audacious personality to drive yourself to become a winner?

Take small steps. You'll get there someday. And the very first step is simply not to be pessimistic.

Never take a shortcut, for a short term prize. Always go for the bigger and better prize at the end of the rainbow. Take the long cut, but with small determined steps. And you'll one day find that you never regretted taking that road.

Simple analogy; In singing, you can always scream your way through the whole song. Why not take the long cut, slowly and patiently train your vocals to a point when you can do it relaxed and way more beautifully?

What drives you?

What drives you to your goals? dreams?

Whatever it is, let it be passion.

Do not let it be achievements, money, fame.

Passion is the fuel you have that will drive you past your limits, soar and bring you to what you have dreamed of.

Doing anything without passion...would probably be futile.

@ 3:08 AM :D

Feeling dead as hell..Medicine and medicine and medicine..GAH!

Thomas Alva Edison didn't fail 2000 times making a light bulb. He just found 2000 ways NOT to make a light bulb.

Failures do not mean the end. You've just found a new way not to go into the road of failure!

What's failure? It's if you quit. Imagine Thomas Alva Edison quitted at the 1999th bulb. Would he have made the light bulb then? You never know when the next attempt of yours, will make you hit the jackpot.=)

Don't quit whatever you love and have started. It will be the biggest regret in your life.

And his favorite quote was ; "Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration"-Thomas Alva Edison

Work hard for whatever you want/desire/dream of folks!

Thursday, January 24, 2008 @ 11:20 PM :D

What's one of the biggest source of people who are failures? - quitters

Never quit, especially your dreams. A regret may result from "defered success",in other words, failing in some point of time. However, the biggest regret would eventually be giving up the entire thing to begin with.

Quit the right things, and fight on for the dreams you have.

Make the right decision...To anyone whom it may concern.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 @ 10:29 PM :D

Slams and bangs, stupid moron loser should just go and die. Egoistic and childish, idler/jobless for more than 10 years, 46years old. What a useless oath. Should be rid off this earth, stupid uncle.

The toilet has a theme today : "patience is a virtue". Why is this so? Read on.

My fucking uncle came home and the toilet door of his got screwed up cause my mum cleaned the toilets for the new year. He made a big fuss and banged the door like he needed to close it to escape from some bioterrorist airbourne virus attack. Next he scolded my mum for cleaning the toilet. Next, he started bathing and my aunt who was cleaning her room for the new year, was washing her fan at the kitchen sink. Next thing, he slammed the door and shouted over about the water being inefficient and like she's always using water.

My aunt scolded him back for saying " i'm not your kia". And stuff.

Next thing, he went to the household tap master control and turned the knob to a lower pressure of water supplied into the house. The water at full in my house now is like almost dripping.

What kinda childish moron act is that? What a way to get revenge with the same treatment. Yet, causing more problems to other people in the house. Dumb fark's now outside in the living room watching TV, which is unusual. Probably he's there sitting and being a sadist to see how long my aunt would take to bathe.

As for me, I took about 2 mins just to douse my hair with water. Muthafarger. Loser beyond hope.

And now for some nonsense..

The quote of "give and take", should be changed to "give and receive".

Money is the root of all evil should be changed to "money is the reason people sucummb to evil".

A man should have 5 Cs. I think 5 ain't enough.

As a man age, his likeliness of giving a shiny headbutt increases.

As a woman age, the chances of her making a name in the house as "life's biggest regret" increases.

Behind every successful man is a great woman, because the man was successful.=p

Behind every successful woman is a very potent man.=X (obviously it depends what your success meant)

Humans have a sperm count of a hamster, so how impotent can we get?

Life's so fragile that we should have a label on our butt or something " FRAGILE. HANDLE WITH CARE"

Take care and never assume the best out of any situation. This will always lead to better growth as a person, and better preparedness for any emergencies.


Sunday, January 20, 2008 @ 5:25 PM :D

New skin! Thanks to Jessie SYX =)

Having bad throat..damned..cookies ain't good for throat XD


Saturday, January 19, 2008 @ 2:24 AM :D

The more you demand from yourself, the less you're gonna reap from yourself.

The smaller the steps you take at a time, the further you're more likely to go.

The wider you attempt to spread your legs to reach that step on the stairway, the more likely you'll lose balance and go crashing down. Not to mention it takes more effort.

The more time you spend on what you love, the more time you actually spend being happy.

The less dreams you have in life, the chances of succeeding decreases diminishing.

The conviction you have on certain things in life, leads to what actually matters to you in your heart.

The love you exhibit is the love you're going to reap.

The seads planted in the soil grows because it takes its time to do so.

Choosing to deal with stress is the wrong approach as it is handling the situation well that solves it.

If stars were in the night sky, it doesn't mean it wouldn't rain. It just means that you have to enjoy the view while you can, and not regret later.

If the moon can reflect so brightly, why can't your personality reflect so well after your own parents?

If we can do whatever we want, why can't we lick our elbow?

If life's a pain in the ass, then why isn't the ass hurting all the time?

If a kiss wasn't made to last, why does it usually start first?

If eyes were made for things that can be seen, what do we have for the unseen?

The more you think, the more your neurons work. Talk about exercise.

You are what you eat, for they become building blocks for making/repairing you.

Love runs when you seek, but comes to you when you give.

Why do we need eyebrows? To keep the eyes warm?

If no one loves the undeserved, who's gonna rescue them in critical times?

These are just some random thoughts. Cooldown of the brain for the day? Maybe.
Stay tuned for perhaps more nonsensical stuff.

Thursday, January 17, 2008 @ 10:14 PM :D

It's alright if you live a life without success, but never live one with regrets.

Just feel that these days things are getting more and more saturated in content that I am actually overflowing with stress, that i practically exhume it.

Gotta work hard for whatever you want. The biggest barrier in life is self. And most problems start from self. If something like homework is a problem, then it's the self causing the problem as he can't finish fast enough or don't feel like doing. If tiredness is a problem, it's the person's fault for not sleeping enough and so on.

Patience, cultivation of skills is something to be done. I do believe in my own opinion that certain things do require a basal amount of skills and familiarity, as well as what people term as "talent".

However, I really need to learn patience. It's something so easily missed yet essential for even getting to certain heights you always dreamed of. Things to achieve are always goals set by the person themselves. If you ever benchmarked yourself with a goal with the use of a comparison of someone else's abilities, then you most probably have already made an unrealistic goal that would probably cause you to falter in your faith and persistence to ever even improve on what you're doing.

Exertion, is never the right way to get things done, or improve on things. This basically stem out of the word itself as being impatience, overworking and so on.

Work hard, but work smart.

A car has an engine, and it is powered by the gasoline (gas). A car may look good on the outside, but if the engine is badly conditioned or maintained, or on the verge of breaking down, forcing more gas into it will not cause it to work faster/better at all. In fact, you risk breaking it down. A singer(car outlook), with his vocal chords(engine), and breath support(gas), fits the analogy of the car. So what if the singer looks really great, when his vocal chords are badly trained and so on, producing bad tones. So what if he had a powerful diaphragm to be able to pump/push more air through the vocal chords? The vocal chords will just break down sooner or later like the engine of the car.

Work on your engine, before adding more gas, bringing you past your limits and soar to the next level.


Super duper friendly me. 8D

*Daniel Webster*

To advance further musically,vocally
To be able to touch people's hearts through music
A good acoustic guitar
A good lead guitar and amp
Be someone of invisibly huge stature
To be as rich as possible
The means to be able to do whatever I want ;)
To be a person who imparts skills and wisdom to others
To be a giver to the needy

Catch up with ya.

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