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Tuesday, March 25, 2008 @ 11:40 PM :D

Tuesday, March 04, 2008 @ 8:29 PM :D

Wow..3 Possible job opportunities..Apparel shop, Admin and one cd shop. Perhaps I am quite good at finding jobs afterall.=X Even found two for my two friends..Grats to their employment=x.

Went for an incredible lesson, think of it as "moment of truth". I can indeed sing, and rather well too i guess.heh. I actually have a recording of how I kinda sound like, but that's without any warmups and training.=/ The lesson costed a bomb,but that's fine cause i learnt tons of invalueable lessons. But woah, the guy's house was like..some UAE's person's palace I must say, even though it was just a HDB flat.

Was surprised to find that the person after me was actually a student from peter as well. But oh well, I guess working on technique then finally working on style is way better. Or perhaps style is just an addition you'll probably get after acquiring the right technique. Dumb cold in the morning was suppressed by me brewing some green tea of "high quality" ( it was rather expensive). Glad I made it cause I had to vocalise.

Learnt SO MUCH from that one lesson. Gotta say it's more than worth it I suppose. However, I have been shown, what's wrong, what can be done to improve certain stuff for the time being, but that still leaves me needing to work on the voice ultimately. Working hard is definitely a must..I will work hard.

Been quite occupied lately despite having my exams over and stuff. Can't freaking believe I am a graduate now. It's like, the last paper being Structural and Functional Genomics, I went in late(as usual), But i was so anxious and nervous that I practically rushed and spammed through the whole paper. It was crazy really. But, It's finally over! It was...a feeling of excitement, yet, loss and apprehension as the road seems to be covered with mist after the exams. Who knows where my road leads into the future and what I will be in the future. However, I do know I have a direction. That's all that matters, cause with a direction, I can at least go somewhere, rather than being aimless and not doing anything at all.

Currently on Hair treatment, hopefully i don't go botak totally. But it seems that the medicine is working. But fortunately I was prepared for it, cause I have a condition that is considered very early for someone of my age to get. Gladly I was actually just acceptant on the treatment, though it may worsen the condition for the time being.

Life's good for now, made a couple of other friends here and there. And what I would consider good company, not those kind that really treat you like some arcade machine and toss you aside once they leave their "playground".

To Qian, a friend who feels down and perhaps unsure, apprehensive and quite scared that people always betray you or something. It's fine=). Nothing lasts forever, but so long we know that we treasure most of the time when and with what we have. Just be sure that you know what you're doing and you make the best use out of what you know and whatever time you have. Don't care what other people say, for you are you, and if you allow them to affect your happiness, that may have just well been what they wanted to cause you to.

Don't fret, don't give in. Be as happy as you can, and take things by the day. Problems don't go away when you sadden, rather, they just seem to crumble over you more and more with each level of sadness. Worry never solved a problem or stopped a rainy day from happening. It never turned situations around or even make them better. It does nothing good, so why worry? Why be sad, in a similar case? There's just no point.

But remember, you'll always have a friend who thinks about you. and that's me=). Finally, don't be oversuspicious. If not, even those who seem suspicious but never did anything wrong or anything to let you down, may avoid you for they themselves may feel implicated.

Hope everyone else is fine as well. And grats on Nanyang poly business school on "self proclaimed" graduation as well.

Leave the problems, cause they weigh you down, not to keep you on your feet, but to prevent you from..................soaring.

Super duper friendly me. 8D

*Daniel Webster*

To advance further musically,vocally
To be able to touch people's hearts through music
A good acoustic guitar
A good lead guitar and amp
Be someone of invisibly huge stature
To be as rich as possible
The means to be able to do whatever I want ;)
To be a person who imparts skills and wisdom to others
To be a giver to the needy

Catch up with ya.

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