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Saturday, August 09, 2008 @ 1:10 AM :D

Talked to my aunt and chatted for a rather long time. Issues about life and stuff..she said the two people she felt she has treated properly enough in life, and is happy about, is her mum and me.

Had to agree with her, that in life, your greatest enemy is not the person you hate most, disagree with most or fight with most. It is yourself!

Be it you're the best in the world, and everything you do is good. But a setback immediately destroys you, then that itself shows you cannot handle the stress. The true test then, has arrived. The true test obviously being that, whether you can take that setback and get over the hurdle without breaking down.

How interesting eh? Given that almost every challenge you receive in life, you actually are testing your own self whether you can overcome it, or you succumb to it.

A true winner wins his own battles, that is why there is always something called an "inner battle".

At the end of the day, the man/woman you look at, is in the mirror. Would you be able to look at that person, saying and meaning it; "this person is a strong and successful person, not by richest and abilities, but by mentality of being able to take whatever dark clouds that life decides to cast over him/her"?

You may do something witty, something good, something you are proud of. But the most important things, are those that make you feel a sense of satisfaction. Not the kind of satisfaction which you get just cause you finished doing something at long last, but the kind of satisfaction which you get by overcoming stuff and that you have done your best. Also it could be the type of satisfaction that you have done to help another person.

Such a satisfaction is something like teaching, not to show off, but to impart.

The seeds you sow will give returns in various indirect ways. Even if the returns don't come when you wish it would, await it as not every harvest is plentiful.

For you to say a harvest is plentiful, you must have had an experience of poor harvest first. Taste the bad, you will know the good. Experience the most shitty things and you will know how to appreciate the good stuff.

Fail and you have found a way to avoid failure. If you give up on something, that's where the road to the "Something" you are aiming for, ends. Letting a dream die due to failures is actually letting yourself down.

Competitiveness in life, drives you to go on. But always remember how you thread the waters, what mindset you have and what do you expect to get out of it.

The opposite of love is ignorance. And ignorance itself is one of the reason why people never learn. Never couple this with a mindset that assumes everything is a joke.

This post is highly opinionated. Read with your own opinions in mind, not blindly, as that's what the whole post is about. THINK for yourself..

Super duper friendly me. 8D

*Daniel Webster*

To advance further musically,vocally
To be able to touch people's hearts through music
A good acoustic guitar
A good lead guitar and amp
Be someone of invisibly huge stature
To be as rich as possible
The means to be able to do whatever I want ;)
To be a person who imparts skills and wisdom to others
To be a giver to the needy

Catch up with ya.

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