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Monday, November 14, 2011 @ 1:29 AM :D

-It is those who are crazy enough to think about it, who are the ones who do it-

Humans and space changes, but time will never change. We are always evolving; everyday we grow more and more sophisticated in ways that matter to us, such as getting upgraded in skills, gaining monetary ground. Or so they claim. Or so most would like themselves to believe.

We focus on issues that matter to us, the bills that are not paid, the boss picking on you, the job not allowing you to fulfill your heart's desired needs. We chose this, this focus, and it will obviously be what we see. Handing you a magnifying glass, if you focus it on a small piece of text, it becomes big. Same thing, focusing on small problems will make them seemingly become big ones. It is strange that many would never take a step back, toss the magnifying glass away, and see the whole context as a whole, using our own naked eyes.

Whatever happened to those days, the days when we remember that the world is like a small playground and somehow, somewhere, we have forgotten how to play in it. The sight of children playing is proof that we have learnt to falsify smiles, rather than remember how it is done. We have not one, but two eyes. As the person ages, the eyes grow even more blind to what really matters in life. Just eyes on this topic, just imagine how much misuse we have placed in what we have "evolved" to become.

Our hands murder and steal, our feet kicking dirt into people's eyes, our tongues injecting a treacherous poison. Why has living which is actually simplistic, become so complicated?

We all have goals, ideals, visions, needs and wants in our hearts, whether or not we think about it, or know it. However, not everything is realistic, not everything is what it seems. We learn to conform, not adapt. We try to change, but innately we can't. The result is, we turn into something we do not even know anymore. Many will think they know, but actually it is a false reality they conjure up to justify it, or else their souls will shrill a deathly despair on realization.

Man created war, money, law and even marriage. And yet we allow such creations to control us in almost everything we do. Whoever had that right?

And thus, we fail to be real. We become face value, we become superficial. And we forget how to enjoy life like how it was supposed to be, with overwhelming expectations and crumbling confidences shaping how we see things, becoming our magnifying glass. We thought we were using our eyes, but our eyes receives images only after being filtered by perception. We fail to follow passion, we fail to love, we fail to believe.

In the end we gotta make a choice, of whether we choose to be who we really are. To be who we are not, we have to step out of the box. To find and be who we really are, we need to step out of yet another box. It's not easy, but everything you probably wanted, is outside the box, never inside. To be happy at the soul level, to be fulfilled, to be complete, to find the answers to the whispers of the heart.

To be, You.

I believe I have a vision like no other, a way of seeing the world not like anyone else, just like everyone else would have their own too. And this vision shall proclaim who I really am, how I am like, and what really matters to me.

To inspire hearts, to touch them. To change the world, to make it a better place.


Friday, August 06, 2010 @ 6:18 PM :D

Well, It's been a while. What else can I really say except..


It really is/was a very strange experience, for me, for one, for many, and others still going through it. I really appreciate every single person who gave me the support and help that got me through this. Thank you to those from BMTC II Ninja, those in Sembawang camp, those in Nee soon camp, those at Gryphon company and not to forget, Clementi Medical Centre as well as all ORD-ed personel whom I know, who I am joining as of this very day.

I wanna say that many have given me a rather memorable experience and good memories that'll probably linger on for a long time, and that I will somehow or another, find today being a shift to a new chapter, filled with a feeling of reluctance to leave those days behind. The time in there would not have been as fun as it was, though it was dreadful at certain points, without the many that I have come into contact with.

I want to thank all of you from the deepest of depths within me, despite most who would not even get to read this.But let's stay in touch, somehow, via memories, or by meeting.

Till then, adios.

Monday, February 15, 2010 @ 11:57 PM :D

Saturday, January 16, 2010 @ 1:29 AM :D

I feel like I am in some sort of trance, where time just slips by without me really feeling it. At this rate, I might be old before I know it. I want to enjoy the journey of life. I hope to be able to feel time, which i always lose track of.

Time is so strange. Lost time seems fast and plentiful, but boring times seem to take forever just to pass. Is there no balance for this?

I am taking my time to lay down what I want and have to do. The decision approaches, just as time passes. Love life, live life. I want my life to be as full as possible.

Sunday, January 03, 2010 @ 12:15 AM :D

It was new year day and all I could do was stare in camp at the tv and watch the fireworks and do the countdown in my heart. This somehow triggered a thought/resolution that one day I shall be in my own skyrise and at the top with a restaurant, dine and watch first hand with first class seats.

There's a lot on my mind yet I wanna narrow them down to what i truely want. Surely one day i'll find the answer to that. It's interesting about how I want to be caught up in media stuffs yet I know that could be a really tough road.

I'm still searching, for what I wanna do as a stepping stone. The goals are already there.

Sunday, December 20, 2009 @ 11:59 PM :D

Honestly I felt really happy today. I really wanna thank everyone who came for my birthday deeply, and they really made my day, just by being there.

It seems different. I don't know what, but something is. But i guess it's for the better.=)

Monday, December 14, 2009 @ 9:18 PM :D

What's the most beautiful smiles you have seen that have the actual ability to make you lose all your stress and frustration?

They come from two sources in my opinion. Toddlers/kids are one, the other is harder to notice and see, but it's actually uncommon, often considered unfortunate. But that all the more makes them even more unique and precious. Who might these be? Search and you may find it. Look beyond what can be seen, and feel what can't be felt.

Super duper friendly me. 8D

*Daniel Webster*

To advance further musically,vocally
To be able to touch people's hearts through music
A good acoustic guitar
A good lead guitar and amp
Be someone of invisibly huge stature
To be as rich as possible
The means to be able to do whatever I want ;)
To be a person who imparts skills and wisdom to others
To be a giver to the needy

Catch up with ya.

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